Episode 1
The challenge
DAD: Hm, that’s delicious. You know, Nicole, I think that’s the best curry the two of us have ever made.
NICOLE: Dad, you always say that.
DAD: Well, as we know, together we’re …
BOTH: ... the world’s greatest chefs!
DAD: Hey, your phone’s ringing. Aren’t you going to answer it?
NICOLE: I can’t answer it.
DAD: Why not? Oh, it’s almost ready. Listen, Nicole, if you don’t want me to overhear what you’re saying on the phone, that’s OK ... I mean you can tell me. I could leave the kitchen for a few minutes, or you could go up to your room.
NICOLE: Dad, it’s not that.
DAD: No?
NICOLE: No! Listen, you know my friends Emma, Justin and Liam, right?
DAD: Yes?
NICOLE: Well, we made a bet. We agreed NOT to use our phones for a whole weekend. Whoever loses – whoever does use their phone – has to treat the others at the café next week.
DAD: Ah, I see. Well, I love you, darling, but I think you’re going to be spending a lot of money at the café next week.
JUSTIN: Hi, Emma.
EMMA: Oh, hey, Justin!
JUSTIN: Did you have a good weekend?
EMMA: Yeah, I had a great weekend.
JUSTIN: Uh-huh.
EMMA: Seriously, I’m not joking.
JUSTIN: Yeah, right. You just loved spending all weekend working on your project for school.
EMMA: Well, yeah, sort of.
JUSTIN: Really?
EMMA: Yes. I’ve discovered a way to make it fun. I work hard, and then I give myself a reward every now and then.
JUSTIN: Like what?
EMMA: Different things. It could be a piece of chocolate... or... You know what I did this weekend? After every 45 minutes of work, I watched YouTube videos. What’s so funny?
JUSTIN: And just how did you watch those YouTube videos?
EMMA: On my phone. Oops! I completely forgot about the bet.
JUSTIN: I thought as much.
LIAM: Hi, guys.
EMMA: Oh, hey, Liam.
LIAM: And what?
JUSTIN: Did you?
LIAM: What do you think?
JUSTIN: I can’t believe you survived the whole weekend without using your phone. That’s so not like you!
LIAM: Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t last one night. What about you guys? Did you manage to have a phone-less weekend?
EMMA: Not me. I was just telling Justin. I watched YouTube videos. I didn’t even think about it. It was just automatic. I just can’t live without my phone!
LIAM: There you go. It’s ridiculous. How can anyone not use their phone for three whole days? Even if I could ... I don’t think I’d want to!
EMMA: You know, I’m so happy to hear that. I was feeling guilty thinking I was the only one.
LIAM: Feeling guilty? Don’t be silly. Why should you feel guilty about something that makes life so much easier?
JUSTIN: It does, doesn’t it?
EMMA: So that means ... you used it, too.
JUSTIN: Well, I really tried not to, and it worked …
EMMA: What?
JUSTIN: ... for about three hours. And then I just thought, well, none of us is going to make it, so why should I even try? And after all, I didn’t want you to have to buy my coffee.
EMMA: Oh, here comes Nicole.
NICOLE: Hey, guys.
LIAM: OK, confess.
JUSTIN: Yeah, tell us. How long did you last without your phone? Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? Half an hour?
NICOLE: Three days, since last Friday.
EMMA: It’s OK, Nicole. We’ve all owned up. You’re not the only one who lost the bet. You can tell us.
NICOLE: There’s nothing to tell. I didn’t use my phone all weekend. In fact, I didn’t use any technology all weekend. No TV, no computer, no landline. Nothing.
LIAM: Seriously?
NICOLE: Seriously. No technology at all.
LIAM: All right! We have a winner!
EMMA: Wow, more self-control than me. You’re amazing.
JUSTIN: Really, Nicole?
NICOLE: Yes, of course.
EMMA: Oh, hi, Julia.
NICOLE: What? Julia?
JULIA: Oh hi, Nicole. I just wanted to say thank you again.
NICOLE: No, it was nothing. Forget it.
JULIA: No, you really helped me with my chemistry assignment.
JUSTIN: Did she? And when did she do that?
JULIA: Last night. I phoned her up, desperate. We were on the phone for like, an hour! And now it all makes sense to me. You’re really good at explaining things, Nicole. You should become a teacher.
LIAM: Oh, yeah? Well, I think she has a little more explaining to do.
NICOLE: Anybody want a coffee? I’m buying.