Conversation 1
JEN: Dad does know how to embarrass me.
MUM: What’s he done this time, Jen?
JEN: Well, I was walking home from school with Chloe and Amelia and Dad pulls up in the car by the side of the road.
MUM: And?
JEN: Well, at first I didn’t even know it was him but then he opened the window and called my name so I turned round and he asked me if I wanted a lift.
MUM: What’s wrong with that?
JEN: I’m 16, Mum. I'm not a baby. When did I last need a lift home from Dad?
MUM: Um, last Saturday, when you needed to get back from Tom’s party at midnight.
JEN: That’s different, Mum.
MUM: Is it? He was probably just driving past and saw you and wondered if you wanted a lift. We’re your parents, Jen, we do care about you.
Conversation 2
SUE: Mum, you’ve got to have a word with Dad.
MUM: Why, Sue?
SUE: It’s his hair, Mum. I mean, I don’t mind him having long hair but does he have to tie it back in a ponytail? It’s such an inappropriate hairstyle for a man of his age.
MUM: What do you mean? I quite like it.
SUE: You are joking, right? It’s the sort of haircut that footballers used to have about ten years ago. No one wears their hair like that now.
MUM: Well your dad does. He likes it that way. And what difference does it make to you, anyway?
SUE: My friends think it looks silly.
MUM: Do they? Which friends exactly?
SUE: Well, no one’s actually said anything but I know they’re thinking it.
MUM: Sue, you need to worry less about what your friends might be thinking and more about hurting your dad’s feelings.
Conversation 3
DAWN: Dad’s so embarrassing.
MUM: Really, Dawn? What’s he done now?
DAWN: Well, when my friends come round to our house, he tries to act really cool and join in our conversations.
MUM: What do you mean?
DAWN: For example, he tries to pretend he’s really into music and mentions all the bands that he thinks we’re listening too. Of course, he gets it all wrong. I mean he thinks we’re into stuff like Avril Lavigne and Fall Out Boy.
MUM: I thought you liked that kind of stuff.
DAWN: Yes, I did like it when I was about eight. But now? Please ...
MUM: Well, he’s only trying to be friendly. Don’t be too hard on him.
DAWN: I know, but to make it worse, he starts singing the songs. Mum, it’s awful. You’ve got to make him stop.
MUM: Yes, that is embarrassing. I’ll have a word with him.
DAWN: Thanks, Mum.