Episode 3
The competition
NICOLE: Hey, Liam.
LIAM: Oh hi, Nicole. Sorry, I didn’t see you there. So how’s it going?
NICOLE: Fine, fine. Hey, I hear you’re thinking of entering that photo competition.
LIAM: Oh, yeah?
NICOLE: Yeah, Emma told me.
LIAM: So she really liked my pictures?
NICOLE: Well, I mean …
LIAM: That’s great. It’s really good when your friends are behind you. You know what I mean?
NICOLE: Yes, I guess so.
LIAM: You guys are great. I don’t think I’d have the courage to do this without the support of my friends. Well, anyway, I’ve got to go. But thanks, Nicole. See you.
NICOLE: Yeah, bye. Well, that didn’t go as planned.
EMMA: Hey, Liam. LIAM: Hi, Emma. My favourite person in the whole world.
EMMA: What? I mean, that’s really nice of you. But why?
LIAM: I was chatting to Nicole. She said you told her about the photo competition.
EMMA: Yeah, about the photo competition ...
LIAM: And she told me how much you like my photos.
EMMA: She did? LIAM: She did. I really appreciate it. Thanks, Emma. It means a lot to me.
EMMA: Oh. You’re welcome.
LIAM: So do you reckon I could win?
EMMA: Um ... I don’t see why not.
LIAM: Look at this!
NICOLE: Hey, Liam.
JUSTIN: Hi. So, Liam, are you still thinking of entering the photo competition?
LIAM: Absolutely! And I’m going to win it!
JUSTIN: Yes, I’m sure you are.
LIAM: Thanks, Justin, see you tomorrow. Bye, Nicole.
EMMA: So that’s it. He’s entered.
NICOLE: Yes, he’s entered.
EMMA: There’s nothing we can do about it now.
NICOLE: Nothing. I tried to talk to him but he just told me what a great friend I was for supporting him. I couldn’t say anything after that.
EMMA: He did exactly the same with me. He told me he really appreciated my support.
JUSTIN: Yeah, I tried, too.
NICOLE: You did not! I was there, remember?
EMMA: Well, we all failed. All we can do now is hope Liam isn’t too disappointed when he loses.
JUSTIN: He’s just so sure he’s going to win. Are you going to the exhibition?
EMMA: I should but I’m not sure I can bear it.
NICOLE: Let’s go together. It’ll be easier.
EMMA: No. This can’t be.
JUSTIN: These are Liam’s photos.
NICOLE: They’re really good.
JUSTIN: I told you so.
NICOLE: You did not! You thought they were terrible, we all did!
EMMA: I don’t understand.
LIAM: Hi, guys.
NICOLE: Hey, Liam.
LIAM: So? What do you think?
EMMA: They’re brilliant. They’re really good!
LIAM: Well, thanks.
EMMA: But I don’t understand. I mean they’re not the ones you showed me on your phone.
LIAM: Well, of course not. Those were just practice shots to get me thinking about the composition and the lighting. I went back a few days later and took these shots with a proper camera.
JUSTIN: Oh. You have a proper camera?
LIAM: Well, my mum does, and she let me use it. My phone isn’t nearly good enough to take photos like these.
JUSTIN: Oh, that explains it.
LIAM: So, guess who won the competition. Me!
EMMA: Congratulations!
NICOLE: That’s fantastic!
JUSTIN: That’s awesome!
NICOLE: Like I said, I always knew you could do it!
LIAM: Thanks, guys, you really are the best. Come on. Let’s go celebrate.
JUSTIN: Wait, wait! Let’s take a selfie first.