Episode 4
The news clip
EMMA: What? You’re going to be on the news?
NICOLE: Yes. I was on my way to meet you when I saw a TV cameraman and that reporter who works for the local news channel. The one with the long blonde hair.
JUSTIN: Ah, I know the one. Karen something, right?
NICOLE: Yes, that’s her, Karen Stratford. Anyway she stopped me ...
REPORTER: Oh, hi. Excuse me, sorry. Do you have a minute?
NICOLE: Er ... Oh yeah, sure!
REPORTER: Fantastic ...
NICOLE: She wanted to know what I thought about the plans to close down the cinema.
JUSTIN: They’re going to close down the cinema? I didn’t know that.
EMMA: Don’t you ever watch the news?
LIAM: So what did you tell them?
NICOLE: You’ll have to wait and see.
LIAM: What do you mean?
NICOLE: I’m inviting you all over to my house to watch me on the news. It’s on at half past six.
JUSTIN: You won’t be on. I bet they don’t show the bit with you in it.
NICOLE: They will. Karen Stratford promised she’d use some of my interview.
EMMA: It’s a date. I’ll be there.
LIAM: Me, too.
JUSTIN: I’ve got football practice at five, but I can’t miss this. I’ll get there, one way or another.
NICOLE: Great, Six twenty-five at my house, then. Don’t be late.
NICOLE: This is it. This is it.
EMMA: Liam, you’re in my way!
LIAM: Sorry!
REPORTER: We’ve been speaking with local residents to see what they think about living in a city with no cinema.
MAN 1: It’s just wrong. There’s nothing to do in this town as it is.
WOMAN 2: It doesn’t really matter. You can watch any film you want these days online or on demand.
NICOLE: I’m really going to miss it. I go there at least once a month with my friends. I really hope someone opens a new one soon.
JUSTIN: Wow! That was you. That was really you!
LIAM: Is that all they asked you?
NICOLE: Yes, it was really quick.
LIAM: So why were you so late for the bus?
NICOLE: I wasn’t that late.
JUSTIN: What’s so funny, Emma?
EMMA: I think I know why Nicole was so late. And it wasn’t because of the news interview either!
LIAM: What do you mean, Emma?
EMMA: I’ve just got a text from Julia.
NICOLE: Julia?
EMMA: Yes, and she was in town today. She saw you being interviewed.
NICOLE: Really?
EMMA: Yes, and guess what. She videoed it from across the street. She got the whole thing.
NICOLE: She did? Oh no.
LIAM: What?
JUSTIN: What on earth are you two talking about?
NICOLE: Don’t tell me she ...
EMMA: Oh yes she did! Come and have a look at this, you lot.
JUSTIN: You didn’t tell us about that one, Nicole.
LIAM: I’m not surprised.
NICOLE: How embarrassing. I can’t believe she got the whole thing on video.
EMMA: Don’t worry. Julia promised she wouldn’t post it online. Of course, I never promised that.
NICOLE: Don’t you dare!